Contribution Guide
Non-exhaustive list of missions that benefit the community
Github Guide:
NOTE: If using information from another creator please be sure to credit/link them or the post. This benefits everyone by strengthening your relationship with other creators & getting additional attention on great content.
Each contract tab has valuable details and descriptions. What is Membrane? has a quick list of Membrane Unique Selling Propostions & the Overview has a condensed description of the main functionalities.
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Content Prompts
Note: Some of these have Quests on Crew3
How does Membrane combat the stablecoin trilemma?
How does Membrane keep peg?
How is collateral liquidated?
How is risk managed? What caps supply? What controls collateral risk?
How does CDT incentivize LPs?
What incentivizes Membrane feedback loops?
What mechanisms backstop Membrane solvency?
What debt mechanisms should CDT collateralize?
Can CDT’s supply fully decompress/deleverage?
How can Membrane maximize protocol integrations?
How do asset bundles benefit users?
Methods to reduce positive depegs.
How should stables mitigate risks between chains?
What benefits do DEXs provide the ecosystem? What do stables? Lending? DeFi?
Are there situations where stable issuers can safely mint unbacked stables?
How do decentralized stables benefit from collaboration?
How should protocols define market focuses?
Best way to obtain sustainable liquidity?
Community Structure
How can NFTs benefit communities?
Does governance need a recognition layer?
Can AI benefit the community and if so how?
How can we empower our community's creators to feel ownership over the Membrane brand?
Importance of cross-community collaborations
Should values be implicit or explicit?
How can the community be structured to encourage feedback?
What’s the best way to aggregate discourse?
What are next steps after a successful signaling proposal?
Should governance include non-MBRN participants? i.e. LPs, protocols, CDT minters
Community Building
Informational/Educational written content
Memes & Art
Call to Action Posts
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Last updated