Contribution Guide

Non-exhaustive list of missions that benefit the community

Github Guide:

NOTE: If using information from another creator please be sure to credit/link them or the post. This benefits everyone by strengthening your relationship with other creators & getting additional attention on great content.

Each contract tab has valuable details and descriptions. What is Membrane? has a quick list of Membrane Unique Selling Propostions & the Overview has a condensed description of the main functionalities.

Create an alternative or run an instance of the first frontend:

Content Prompts

Note: Some of these have Quests on Crew3


  • How does Membrane combat the stablecoin trilemma?

  • How does Membrane keep peg?

  • How is collateral liquidated?

  • How is risk managed? What caps supply? What controls collateral risk?

  • How does CDT incentivize LPs?

  • What incentivizes Membrane feedback loops?

  • What mechanisms backstop Membrane solvency?

  • What debt mechanisms should CDT collateralize?

  • Can CDT’s supply fully decompress/deleverage?

  • How can Membrane maximize protocol integrations?

  • How do asset bundles benefit users?


  • Methods to reduce positive depegs.

  • How should stables mitigate risks between chains?

  • What benefits do DEXs provide the ecosystem? What do stables? Lending? DeFi?

  • Are there situations where stable issuers can safely mint unbacked stables?

  • How do decentralized stables benefit from collaboration?

  • How should protocols define market focuses?

  • Best way to obtain sustainable liquidity?

Community Structure

  • How can NFTs benefit communities?

  • Does governance need a recognition layer?

  • Can AI benefit the community and if so how?

  • How can we empower our community's creators to feel ownership over the Membrane brand?

  • Importance of cross-community collaborations

  • Should values be implicit or explicit?

  • How can the community be structured to encourage feedback?

  • What’s the best way to aggregate discourse?

  • What are next steps after a successful signaling proposal?

  • Should governance include non-MBRN participants? i.e. LPs, protocols, CDT minters

Community Building

  • Informational/Educational written content

  • Infographics

  • Memes & Art

Call to Action Posts

Invite people to:

  • Join Crew3

  • Join the Discord

  • Use the protocol

  • Integrate with the protocol

  • Provide feedback on the protocol or community


  • $MBRN

  • $CDT

  • #Wenbrane

  • ....

Last updated